ocr: - Voyager + Today's Aminet uploads on 1-Jul- 1997 Location: file:/l/yamexpansion:htm/Daly.l-Jul-1997.html 0 Add BM Fastlinks: Aminet loc Amiga Amiga Web Gw 2000 Alta Vista Yahoo! Phase 5 On Air Today's Aminet uploads on 1-Jul-1997 File Dir Size Description Makevanim. Iha bizhaage 3K ArtEffect2. 0 script to create TransferAnims E0230ltalian.lha biz/misc 13K Italiancatalog for Everyday Organiser 2.30 FList220.ha commbbs 17K Great Filelist-Creator for AMMS vapy.lha comm/mail 13K (1.1)Integrates PGP with YAM. SX-SCR.Iha comm/misc 514K ScreenShots of the new BBS program V1.0 AmiComSys. ha comminet ...